I hope you are making use of these beautiful sunny days and making some Vitamin D wherever you can! How would you like a super potent nutrient boost from our new Implant Menu? (It’s like taking a super-supplement, which absorbs more immediately and effectively, since it bypasses the digestive system and stomach acid.)

We are now offering:
Chlorophyll: Alkalizing, Deodorizing and great for boosting and detoxifying blood.
Turmeric: The ultimate Anti-Inflammatory. Great for hormone balancing, soothing inflammatory bowel conditions, pain relief, as well as combating yeast, fungus and bacterial situations.
Aloe/Probiotic: We use raw organic aloe vera combined with 100 billion live active strains to effectively alkalize and populate the gut with beneficial bacteria. This aids in digestion and boosts immunity.
Heal All Tea: Dr. Morse’s blend of detoxifying, astringent and soothing herbs which pull toxins from the gut mucosa. This blend strengthens the kidneys, endocrine and lymphatic systems. Great for constipation, joint pain, acne, swelling of limbs, water retention, gut dysbiosis, parasites, candida and brain fog.
These are $30 each and can be administered after a colonic. Basically we cleanse the colon of waste, which then allows for super-absorption in the tissues of these nutrient dense infusions. It’s like taking a super-supplement, which absorbs more immediately and effectively, since it bypasses the digestive system and stomach acid.
We are running a Summer promotion for the month of July where if you schedule one Colonic you can get a $30 implant for just $10! Make good on this life and energy boosting offer.
Also, if you are not doing so already please follow us on Instagram or Facebook where we will be sharing healthy tips :)
Stay classy out there and enjoy yourselves!~